HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno - Fresno, California

Dirección: 2505 W Shaw Ave #101, Fresno, CA 93711.
Teléfono: 92289100.

Especialidades: Terapeuta ocupacional, Clínica de fisioterapia, Logopeda.

Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 3 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 2.3/5.

Ubicación de HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno

HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno se encuentra ubicado en la dirección 2505 W Shaw Ave #101, Fresno, CA 93711. Este centro de salud especializado en terapia pediátrica cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente capacitados en diferentes especialidades, como terapeuta ocupacional, clínica de fisioterapia y logopedia.

La clínica está equipada con las últimas tecnologías y recursos para brindar un servicio de calidad a sus pacientes. Además, ofrecen un ambiente cómodo y acogedor que hace que los niños se sientan relajados y seguros durante sus sesiones de terapia.

HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno cuenta con una excelente ubicación, ya que se encuentra en una zona céntrica y accesible en transporte público y privado. Esto facilita el acceso de los pacientes y sus familias al centro de salud.

En cuanto a su equipo de profesionales, HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno cuenta con terapeutas ocupacionales, fisioterapeutas y logopedas altamente capacitados y experimentados en el tratamiento de niños con diferentes necesidades. Todos los miembros del equipo están dedicados a brindar un servicio personalizado y efectivo a cada paciente, trabajando en estrecha colaboración con los padres y cuidadores para lograr los mejores resultados.

La clínica también ofrece una variedad de servicios y programas adaptados a las necesidades de cada paciente. Estos servicios incluyen evaluaciones iniciales, terapia individual y grupal, y programas de educación y capacitación para padres y cuidadores.

HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno tiene una opinión media de 2.3/5 según Google My Business, con un total de 3 valoraciones. Es importante tener en cuenta que estas opiniones son subjetivas y pueden no reflejar la calidad general del servicio ofrecido por la clínica.

Opiniones de HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno

HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno - Fresno, California
Jay Kay

I'd heard nothing but good about this place so I was very happy when they were contracted to do my son's OT. Our first visit was great, even though our therapist was not given any notes about my son, she did wonderful getting to know him and finding his likes/dislikes so she could proceed with therapy. On our way out though, I was not given a new appointment date/time and had to ask the receptionist. After asking, I was given the new appointment date/time only to receive a call a week later that my son's therapist was not going to be in the office the day of his next appointment and could we reschedule. I am extremely busy with my children's appointments/therapies and only had that day open. We were booked solid. I was told we could keep that date, but push the time to later that afternoon, however we'd have to see a different therapist for that session. Not ideal, but I thought it was reasonable. When we got to my son's next appointment, we were told that he was not on the schedule at all! I felt like they were trying to tell me that I had been the one who got the date/time wrong but it was in my planner. We had an appointment with Tori at 4pm. So we were forced to go home after rearranging my schedule and driving across town without receiving services! They tried to send us home once again without telling us when my son's next appointment was. When I asked, I was given the next date at 4pm, but when I asked for confirmation, they looked it up and his appointment was at 11am. They gave me the wrong time *again*!! They really need to work out their scheduling issues. I don't have the time, energy or extra gas to waste going to appointments that don't happen.

HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno - Fresno, California
Kira Moore

HealthPRO Pediatrics Fresno - Fresno, California
Kendra De Luca
