Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo

Dirección: 2 Chome-26-3 Jindaiji, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0016.
Teléfono: 08022613195.
Página web: bodymind-therapy.com.
Especialidades: Especialista en medicina holística, Herbolario, Servicio de hipnoterapia, Kinesiólogo, Terapeuta de drenaje linfático, Masajista, Servicio de salud mental, 心療内科, Terapeuta de reiki, Seitai.
Otros datos de interés: Ofrece asistencia en otros idiomas, Aseo adaptado para sillas de ruedas, Asientos adaptados sillas de ruedas, Aseos, Amigable con la comunidad LGTBI+, Espacio seguro para personas transgénero, Se necesita cita, Se aceptan nuevos pacientes.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 21 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 5/5.

Ubicación de Otomi Therapy

Otomi Therapy 2 Chome-26-3 Jindaiji, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0016

Horario de Otomi Therapy

  • Lunes: Cerrado
  • Martes: 9:00–12:00, 13:00–18:00
  • Miércoles: Cerrado
  • Jueves: Cerrado
  • Viernes: Cerrado
  • Sábado: 9:00–12:00, 13:00–18:00
  • Domingo: 9:00–12:00

Si estás buscando un lugar en el que puedas encontrar una gran variedad de terapias y servicios de salud, no busques más allá de Otomi Therapy en Tokyo, Japón

Ubicada en 2 Chome-26-3 Jindaiji, Mitaka, Tokyo 181-0016, Otomi Therapy es fácilmente accesible y ofrece una variedad de servicios que incluyen: especialista en medicina holística, herbolario, hipnoterapia, kinesiología, drenaje linfático, masaje, salud mental, 心療内科, reiki, y seitai.

Una de las características más impresionantes de Otomi Therapy es su compromiso con la inclusión y la diversidad. El personal habla varios idiomas y el espacio es amigable con la comunidad LGTBI+, ofreciendo un espacio seguro para personas transgénero. El lugar está adaptado para sillas de ruedas, con aseos y asientos especialmente diseñados para este propósito.

Si estás buscando una opinión sobre Otomi Therapy, puedes encontrar 21 reseñas en Google My Business con una calificación promedio de 5/5. Los clientes han elogiado la profesionalidad y la calidez del personal, así como la efectividad de los tratamientos.

Si estás interesado en visitar Otomi Therapy, se recomienda programar una cita y revisar su página web en bodymind-therapy.com para obtener más información sobre sus servicios y tarifas.

Opiniones de Otomi Therapy

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo
Putri N Ananda

I bumped into her page few weeks before my holiday trip to tokyo, so i decided to book reiki session while in japan, and turned out it was so worth it and one the best decision i have ever made! Emanuelle is very knowledgeable, she is very warm and has beautiful heart..i had my reiki tuning session with her, and i felt lighter after, my eyes vision also clearer after this session. From her even i knew that injuries that i had in my early childhood in my head actually had some effect in me, i was so young that time and i dont remember anything about it, and no one seen the accident as well, and this explains why she touched the area of my head quite a while at the session.

Emanuelle also very patience answering all my questions about almost anything, i wish someday i can have chance to learn reiki from her..thank you Emanuelle from the deepest of my heart?

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo
Brigitte Noreau

I follow the Reiki certification level 1 with Emmanuelle and I loved it !

I learned so much in a peaceful, beautiful and safe environment !

Emmanuelle is passionate about Reiki and healing in general and she transfers her passion through her teaching.

She gives us the right tools to be able to practice Reiki on ourself and our love ones. I came out of this course with a lot of new ressources, clarity and confidence on my own healing journey !

Thank you for your beautiful work and the love you spread on this planet !
Merci !

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo
J Stanford

I took the Reiki Usui course with Emmanuel. She is very knowledgeable and informative. Emmanuel has a relaxed and calming presence. I felt very comfortable and safe. Since the course, I meditate using the Reiki principles every day.
As a result of my training, I am more attuned to my spiritual side and feel as I am being transformed and guided to a higher self. And that is wonderful.

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo

Apparently,she has very deep knowledge of anatomy,and she also watched the invisible friend coming with me ,whom I stayed together for a long time. If I still doubt any thing to know her from Google,I have no doubt after the therapy was finished. When her hand was near my old surgery wound,the muscle starts to contract under my clothes by Reiki,I even hasn't told her there is a wound there.In the 2.5 hours therapy later,she easily heals my migraine,and a lot of pain from each part of body caused by emotional unbalance,martial arts damage and long time desktop job. I just can say, her service deserves that money. the hour price is not expensive than many massage place in Tokyo(amazing!!).and I am fine until today with no pain. I am ready to come back to her place at anytime if my pain for long term can't be cured in other place. Emmanuelle 's the most personality is her good heart,even she owns so deep neuroscience knowledge and Reiki. I also will obey her advices, to keep good life habits is very important.I may join her Zen class and Reiki class later, to understand the relationship between body, emotion and soul , because what she understands is far more than me, thanks for Emmanuelle's help!!!

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo
P. Leroyer

I had a lovely time with Emmanuelle and her husband during my 2 days retreat. I consulted her as I had backaches and some past trauma experiences due to several back surgeries. She helped me to find the emotional causes of my backaches and heal the physical pain, always with kindness and respect. I will go to see her again when I feel down or in pain.

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo
Oksasha Makarosha

Reiki, Reiki, Reiki, what a pleasant journey!
Low frequencies have been big part in our lives, because of the society around, without minor knowledge of low frequency and what it might cause for individuals who is trying to fight it solely, that was very difficult time until we met Sensei Emmanuelle and started to differentiate between " Low and High" , "hate and love", the correct way to flow as a water between them, accept their existence and embrace the light, without putting our concern and worries in the dark. The feeling of heaviness in the body and the burden we have been carrying all past years have been lifted, that was outcome (result) of studying Reiki energy with Sensei Emmanuelle. Our beloved Sensei gave us the power and strength to heal body blockages and allowed to understand how to work with energy to heal past, present and future, which invoved karmic healing and understanding, because the way to overcome your karmic block is to understand the messages of the Universe which related to that specific karmic block within you. We have learned as well variety of meditation and what is the best way to meditate. It was an interesting time when our Sensei was explaining (storytelling) about Master Usui and others who followed his blessings journey, so much to learn from those journey. We are very grateful to our Universe for giving the opportunity to meet such an amazing person as Leia Emmanuelle , "Our mystical guide". It is a honor to be her student, she has a pure heart, full of light and has a lot of knowledge and empathy for everything and everyone. Our big thanks to her for offering to people the chance to learn from her. She is highly appreciated for her intention to awaken and enlighten people on Earth.
With respect Mohammad and Oksana from Qatar

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo
khaoula bouhalli

Emmanuelle was a blessing during this whole process. Her way of teaching is immaculate, she always makes sure to give you the information needed to spark your curiosity and thrive for more. I truly enjoyed the course with her and I am planning to definitely go see her once borders reopen. I am forever grateful for the knowledge you shared with me Emmanuelle. Merci infiniment

Otomi Therapy - Mitaka, Tokyo
Michelle Mugnai

I was dealing with the same thoughts, feelings and patterns for some time, and after just one reiki session with Emmanuelle I was able to start seeing what to heal clearly. I could clear out my blockages and thoughts I was hiding from my self were coming up for me to address them. My life changed drastically for the better!
