TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona

Dirección: Plaça d'Ausiàs March, 1, 08195 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, España.
Teléfono: 646463768.
Página web:
Especialidades: Psicólogo infantil, Terapeuta ocupacional, Fisioterapeuta, Clínica de fisioterapia, Psicólogo, Logopeda.
Otros datos de interés: Acceso para sillas de ruedas, Aparcamiento adaptado para sillas de ruedas, Aseo adaptado para sillas de ruedas, Aseos, Se aceptan nuevos pacientes.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 27 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.4/5.

Ubicación de TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias.

TotTerapia es un centro especializado que ofrece servicios de Logopedia, Psicología y diversas terapias en la Plaça d'Ausiàs March, 1, 08195 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona, España.

En TotTerapia, se cuenta con un equipo de profesionales altamente cualificados en distintas áreas de la salud mental y terapias físicas. Entre sus especialidades se encuentran Psicólogo infantil, Terapeuta ocupacional, Fisioterapeuta, Clínica de fisioterapia, Psicólogo y Logopeda.

El centro ofrece facilidades para personas con movilidad reducida, como acceso para sillas de ruedas, aparcamiento adaptado y aseo adaptado. Además, se destaca por la calidad de sus servicios, contando con 27 valoraciones en Google My Business y una opinión media de 4.4/5.

Para contactar con TotTerapia, puedes llamar al 646463768 o visitar su página web para obtener más información y concertar una cita. Se aceptan nuevos pacientes en el centro, por lo que es una excelente opción para aquellos que buscan mejorar su bienestar emocional y físico.

Si estás en busca de un lugar que brinde un enfoque integral en el cuidado de la salud mental y física, TotTerapia es la elección ideal. No dudes en ponerte en contacto con ellos a través de su página web y dar el primer paso hacia tu bienestar.

Opiniones de TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Silvia M

Mi hija con TEA lleva haciendo terapia intensiva poco más de un mes y ha mejorado de tal manera que ya dice sus primeras palabras. No puedo estar más contenta. Recomiendo este equipo de profesionales a las familias con hijos neurodivergentes para que se les puedan brindar las herramientas necesarias para sacar su máximo potencial.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Cristina Escudero

EN Tot Terapia han conseguido compensar de manera increíble la dislexia de mi hija haciendo que se sienta segura y sea 100% autosuficiente y haya aprendido a gestionar las herramientas que le han dado para afrontar sus retos diarios en el entorno escolar. Además, gracias al trabajo en equipo que han desarrollado entre Alexia, Víctor y Patricia en el ámbito psicopedagógico y psicológico, han logrado que la seguridad en ella misma y la confianza y manera de enfrentarse al mundo sea extraordinaria.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Simona Boscolo

Soy mamá de un niño con TEA.Mi hijo está haciendo terapia hace casi 1 año y estamos encantados con los avances. Son muy profesionales. Lo recomiendo.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
xavier octavio

He estado haciendo terapia psicológica durante algunos meses y la verdad que me han ayudado mucho. Se nota que son un equipo con experiencia. Lo recomendaría siempre.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Jingxia Wang

We have been having theraphy sessions with TotTerapia for more than 5 years, my son improved a lot. We are happy with the professional supports from all the therapists within TotTeparia, Ainhoa, Corein, Patricia, Isabel, and so on.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Hana Avram

Don't fall for this clinic. They have no science-based evidence to what they are doing and they have some questionable ethics.
I would give this review 0 stars if the system would allow it. At the end of May, we were searching for a clinic to assess the Autism of our daughter and potential treatments for her. Being new to the Autism problem, we fell into the trap of doing the test with TotTerapia and then we did a few therapy sessions with them.
First of all, during our phone conversations they said that they do the ADOS test which is the test administered for assessing ASD and that the first session would be an interview session which was nothing surprising. When we reach there, they tell us that we must do an occupational therapy assessment and also a kinesiotherapy assessment!!! We are bewildered by the information but we agree to go through it since we were desperate to help our daughter. After the kinesiotherapy evaluation, I tell my husband that I am starting to have serious doubts about the clinic. Anyway, the day of the ADOS test finally arrives. The Psychologist who is supposed to do the test starts 20 minutes late. Then we go in and she administers probably 25% of the test. I had researched the test online so I was surprised by how brief it was. The cherry on top of the cake is that they tell us that they need to charge us 200 euro just to deliver us the result PAPERS of the tests which we paid already!!!!!
What they deliver to us is basically the information they collected from us during the interviews, the kinesiotherapy report which they pushed on us and then the abbreviated ADOS test.
After that, I tell my husband that I am extremely skeptical about the aptitudes of the people working there and also their ethics. We agree to start the treatment they propose which comprises speech therapy, OT, neurofeedback and something they fancily labeled cognitive stimulation.
About the treatment:
- they proceed to administer to my daughter speech therapy in Spanish the first day even though before the treatment I told them very clearly that it has to be in English since that's her language. They do this without informing me and when I confront them, they mumble that it was a mistake since Sandra (the speech therapist) is very good. I witnessed the speech therapy by Sandra who was talking like a broken radio in both Spanish and Catalan (!) to my daughter who was not reacting at all to her (normal). This just to let you know that they do their best to kick you out of the therapies so that you don't witness the lack of professionalism and ethics on their part.
- during the neurofeedback session, the psychologist keeps looking at her phone and laptop and meanwhile my daughter takes out the cables.
- the OT session is probably the most decent one even though now after seeing other sessions in other places I can tell you there are 10000 times better ones at the same price or cheaper. During these sessions that they charge you 50 euros, my daughter was never alone in the room with the therapist. There is always another screaming child who makes the entire session more distracting.
- what they call cognitive stimulation is nothing but a psychologist playing with your child without stimulating the child to say a new word or do a new action. During one of these sessions, I was astonished to see that they were doing tests on my daughter this after charging us more than 500 euros for the tests they did.
They advertise Robert Melillo who was proved several times in the US to have no science based evidence to his methods and a lot of people have come out against him including former patients, doctors.
So far all the public and private doctors we have gone to, have said that the tests they did were incomplete. As one of those doctors said very politely, their ways are peculiar.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Ethel Arbuthnot

Could be that my son and I weren't sufficiently engaged with the process and hence the following experience is down to us. However, I did not feel that I got much feedback on what they were doing with him nor on their views on his progress, beyond "he's doing very well". In one report they misspelled his name or made some other basic error in his personal details. I was never particularly clear about what qualifications the staff actually have. The results of his one to one therapy sessions revealed nothing about him that I didn't already know. After perhaps 2000 euros worth of therapy, his nervousness and anxiety, which is what we referred him for, are the same or possibly worse. I wish you a better experience and recommend that you demand regular and in-depth feedback - although expect to pay extra for that.

TotTerapia. Logopedía. Psicólogo. Terapias. - Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
Glenn Shoemake

Corien is extremely professional and always works very hard to improve my son with his speech to overcome his autism. Highly recommend working with Corien and her team if you're in a similar situation with your children.
